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Search publications of "L.I. Lapidus"
Found 35 record(s)
1. Estimate of the Contribution of Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction in the Dispersion Relation for Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1959, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 193
PDF (654.8K)

2. Contribution to the Theory of Exchange Collisions between Fast Nucleons and Deuterons
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1957, Vol. 5, No. 6, p. 1170
PDF (484.2K)

3. On the Problem of Investigating the Interaction between a Mesons and Hyperons
4. Scattering of Gamma-Ray Quanta by Nucleons near the Threshold for Meson Production
5. Polarization in High-Energy Elastic Scattering
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1958, Vol. 7, No. 5, p. 794
PDF (645.4K)

6. Concerning the Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1958, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 536
PDF (258.5K)

7. Time Reversal and Polarization Phenomena in Reactions Involving Gamma-Quanta
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1958, Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 638
PDF (845.4K)

8. Application of Dispersion Relations to π - N Scattering at Low Energies
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1958, Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 312
PDF (930.7K)

9. Isotopic Invariance and the Creation of Particles
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1957, Vol. 4, No. 5, p. 740
PDF (875.8K)

10. Determination of the Spins of K-Particles and Hyperons
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1957, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 447
PDF (231.1K)

11. A Note on Mixed Meson Theory
12. Time Reversal and Polarization Phenomena in N + N {\leftrightarrow} d + {\pi} Reactions
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1958, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 160
PDF (938K)

13. On Finding the Matrix of the a + a^{\prime} \rightarrow b + b^{\prime} Reaction
14. On the Problem of Testing the Invariance of an Interaction under Time Reversal
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1959, Vol. 8, No. 6, p. 1105
PDF (282.9K)

15. The Elastic Scattering of γ Rays by Deuterons below the Pion-Production Threshold
16. Dispersion Relations and Analysis of the Energy Dependence of Cross Sections near Thresholds of New Reactions
17. Inelastic Final-state Interactions and Near-threshold Singularities
18. Effects of Inelastic Processes on Electron-electron and Electron-positron Scattering
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1963, Vol. 17, No. 4, p. 898
PDF (329.4K)

19. On the Interpretation of an Experiment with High-energy Neutrinos
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1963, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 510
PDF (421.2K)

20. Scattering of Gamma Quanta and Polarizability of Nuclei and Nucleons
L.I. Lapidus
JETP, 1963, Vol. 16, No. 4, p. 964
PDF (414.8K)

21. Scattering of Photons by Nucleons
22. The Role of the Single-Meson Pole Diagram in Scattering of Gamma Quanta by Protons
23. The \bar{K} + N \rightarrow \Lambda(\Sigma) + \gamma Process
24. Low-Energy Limit of the γN-Scattering Amplitude and Crossing Symmetry
25. Double NN Scattering with a Polalized Beam and a Polarized Target
26. Relativistic Reconstruction of the N-N Scattering Matrix
27. Proton Form Factors
28. Proton Electromagnetic Form Factors
29. Analysis of Possible Deviations From the V-A Theory of Weak Interactions
30. Electron Scattering by Protons at Small Angles
31. Hadron scattering at attainable and asymptotic energies in pomeron theory with α(0) > 1
32. Three-reggeon phenomenology in the reaction p+p{\longrightarrow}p+X
33. Electromagnetic effects in the diffraction scattering of hadrons
34. Structure functions of deep inelastic ep scattering
35. Distribution of partons in a relativistic hadron
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