публикаций автора "G.E. Pikus"
Найдено 25
1. Measurement of Electron Mobility According to the Variation of Plasma Resistance in a Magnetic Field
2. A New Method of Calculating the Energy Spectrum of Carriers in Semiconductors. II. Account of Spin-orbit Interaction
3. A New Method of Calculating the Energy Spectrum of Carriers in Semiconductors. I. Neglecting Spin-Orbit Interaction
4. Indirect Optical Transitions in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
5. Tunnel Current in a Transverse Magnetic Field
6. Light Absorption in Semiconductors in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
7. Exchange Interaction in Excitons in Semiconductors
8. Exchange Interaction in Bound Excitons in Semiconcluctors
9. Energy Scheme of the Tellurium Valence Band
10. The Shubnikov-De Haas Effect in Tellurium
11. Optical orientation of excitons in uniaxial crystals. Large exchange splitting
12. Polarization of exciton luminescence in an external magnetic field
13. Optical orientation of excitons in cubic crystals
14. Spin relaxation of electrons due to scattering by holes
15. Optical orientation and alignment of free excitons in GaSe during resonance excitation. Experiment
E.M. Gamarts, E.L. Ivchenko, M.I. Karaman, V.P. Mushinskii, G.E. Pikus, B.S. Razbirin, A.N. Starukhin
1977 г.,
Том 46,
Вып. 3,
стр. 590
16. Transfer of polarized light in crystals at wavelengths corresponding to the exciton part of the spectrum. Influence of reemission
17. Optical orientation and alignment of free excitations in GaSe under resonant excitation. Theory.
18. Spin polarization of electrons by an electric current
19. Current of thermalized spin-oriented photocarriers
20. E. M. F. induced by entrainment current in a magnetic field
21. Kinetics of polarized secondary radiation in pulsed resonant excitation of excitons in crystals
22. Linear photovoltaic effect in p-type gallium arsenide
23. Transport of polarized radiation in crystals in the excitonic region of the spectrum. Polariton effects
24. Parity nonconservatlon and photovoltaic effects in gases and semiconductors
25. Spin relaxation of conduction electrons in p-type Ill-V compounds