Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "Yu. V. Kopaev"
Found 38 record(s)
1. Electron Structure and Phase Transitions in Lower Vanadium Oxides in an Electric Field
2. Diamagnetism of Systems with Electron-hole Pairing
3. Analog of the Josephson Effect in a System with Electron-hole Pairing
4. Superconductivity of Alloyed Semimetals
Yu. V. Kopaev
JETP, 1970, Vol. 31, No. 3, p. 544
PDF (590.8K)

5. Theory of phase transitions in semiconductors of the A4B6 group
6. Behavior of a coulomb superconductor with inverse distribution in a magnetic field
7. Theory of nonequilibrium phase transitions
8. Bose Condensation of Excitons in a Strong Magnetic Field
9. Magnetic ordering in nonequilibrium systems
10. Theory of "excitonic" ferromagnetism
11. Theory of superconductivity in the presence of electron-hole pairing in semimetals at T = 0
12. Theory of superconductivity in systems with an inverse distribution
13. Radiation polarization and ferromagnetic ordering in a semiconductor laser
14. Multimode generation in semiconductor lasers
15. Magnetic susceptibility of a ferromagnet with a structural transformation
16. Kinetic properties of an exciton ferromagnet
17. Spin-orbit interaction in an excitonic dielectric
18. Inhomogeneous state of excitonic ferromagnet
19. Coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in the two-band model
20. Kinetic properties of a superconductor with a structural transformation
21. Metastable states of hole pairs in semiconductor quantum wells
22. Ferromagnetism of electrons of a filled band
23. Contribution to the theory of photon spectra in a semiconductor laser
24. Kinetic theory of quantum cascade lasers
25. Manifestation of dielectric correlations in the spectrum of collective excitations of a superconductor
26. Band theory of phase stratification
27. Photovoltaic effect in an orbital antiferromagnet
28. Controlling the evolution of electronic states in nanostructures
29. Medium-range dielectric order in systems with collectivized electrons
30. Manifestation of insulating correlations in tunneling characteristics of superconductors
31. Semiconductor-metal phase transition induced in lnSb by a strong electromagnetic field
32. Collisionless dynamics of a nonequilibrium semiconductor-metal phase transition
33. Magnetic susceptibility near a phase transition into the current state
34. Macroscopic current states in crystals
35. Nonlocal electron-interaction effects in the spontaneous-current model
36. Diamagnetic anomalies in systems with spontaneous toroidal current
37. Anomalous nonlinear effects at phase transitions to ferroelectric and magnetoelectric states
38. Magnetic properties of structurally transforming ferromagnets
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