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Search publications of "A. Ya. Blank"
Found 13 record(s)
1. Galvanomagnetic Phenomena in an Alternating Electromagnetic Field
2. Theory of Wave Conversion and Scattering on Plasma Fluctuations
3. iPropagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a Metal with Allowance for "Fermi-liquid" Interactions
4. Anomalous Skin Effect in Ferromagnetic Metals in a Strong Magnetic Field
5. The Phonon Spectrum of Metals in a Magnetic Field
6. Contribution of the Theory of Spatial Dispersion in a Ferromagnetic Metal in a Strong Magnetic Field
7. Damping of Magnetic Surface Levels in a Superconductor
8. Spin Waves in an Antiferromagnetic Metal in the Presence of a MagneticField. II
9. Spin Waves in an Antiferromagnetic Metal in the Presence of a Magnetic Field
10. Dispersion of Spin Waves in Metals in a Strong Magnetic Field
11. Magnetic Surface Levels in a Superconductor
A. Ya. Blank
JETP, 1970, Vol. 31, No. 5, p. 999
PDF (622.5K)

12. Thermodynamics of layered isotropic magnets at low temperatures
13. Dispersion law of surface plasmons
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