publications of "V.N. Baier"
Found 35 record(s)
1. The Cross Section for Electron-Electron Scattering at High Energies
2. Nucleomesodynamics in Strong Coupling. II. The Ground and Isobar States, Nucleon Charge and Spin
3. A Scheme of Weak Interactions with Neutral Currents
4. On the Participation of π0 Mesons in Electromagnetic Processes
5. Behavior of the Cross Section of Electromagnetic Production of Particles
6. High-Energy Electron-Electron Scattering
7. Bimuonium Production in Electron-Positron Scattering
8. Photon Emission in Muon-pair Production by Electron-positron Collision
9. Radiation Accompanying Two-particle Annihilation of an Electron-positron Pair
10. Electromagnetic Pair Production
11. Emission of Two Photons into a Given Angle in Electron Collisions
12. Two-photon Emission in Electron Collisions
13. Photon Bremsstrahlung in Collision of High-energy Electrons
14. Electroproduction of Pairs of Particles at High Energies
15. Processes Involved in the Motion of High Energy Particles in a Magnetic Field
16. Total Bremsstrahlung Spectrum of Ultrarelativistic Electrons
17. Quasiclassical Theory of Bremsstrahlung by Relativistic Particles
18. Radiative Polarization of Electrons in a Magnetic Field
19. Kinetics of Radiative Polarization
20. Coulomb Interaction in the Final State
21. The kinetics and integral characteristics of synchrotron radiation at high energies
22. Description of Electroproduction Processes by Using the Approximation of Quasi-real Photons
23. Radiation Emitted by Relativistic Particles in Periodic Structures
24. Operator approach to quantum electrodynamics in an external field: The mass operator
25. The theory of quantum processes in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave
26. Interaction between a photon and an intense electromagnetic wave
27. Operator approach to quantum electrodynamics in an external field. Electron loops
28. Radiative effects near cyclotron resonance
29. Semiclassical theory of electromagnetic processes in a plane wave and a constant field
30. Radiation from electrons in tungsten crystals
V.N. Baier, V.A. Baskov, V.B. Ganenko, B.B. Govorkov, Yu. V. Zhebrovskii, V.M. Katkov, V.V. Kim, L. Ya. Kolesnikov, B.I. Luchkov, V.A. Maisheev, A.L. Rubashkin, V.I. Sergienko, V.P. Sorokin, V.M. Strakhovenko, V. Yu. Tugaenko, V.A. Khablo
Vol. 74,
No. 4,
p. 725
31. Radiation from relativistic particles colliding in a medium in the presence of an external field
32. Emission of radiation by high-energy particles in oriented single crystals
33. Photon splitting in a strong electromagnetic field
34. Production of electron-positron pairs by high-energy photons in oriented crystals
35. Radiation of relativistic particles moving quasiperiodically