Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.I. Petviashvili"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Nonlinear Oscillations and Some Effects Due to a Longitudinal Current in a Plasma
2. Weakly Turbulent Plasma in a Magnetic Field
3. Plasma Oscillations in the Presence of a Periodic Plasma Wave
4. Self-focusihg of the Ion Acoustic Wave in a Plasma
5. Alfven and magnetosonic vortices in a plasma
6. Two-dimensional Langmuir solitons and discreteness of the spectrum of the microwave radiation from a plasma at ωpe < ωce
7. Diamagnetism of cyclotron waves in plasma
8. Lyapunov instability of MHD equilibrium of a plasma with nonvanishing pressure
9. Condensation of Alfven waves into vortices in an inhomogeneous plasma
10. Solitary toroidal vortices
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