publications of "A.A. Borshch"
Found 5 record(s)
1. Self-focusing of Ruby Laser Radiation in CdS Crystals
2. Self-focusing of Ruby Laser Radiation in a CdS Crystal and Its Influence on Two-photon Photoconductivity
3. Nature of the nonlinearity that leads to self-action of laser radiation in semiconductors of the A2B6 group
4. Determination of the coefficients of the nonlinear refractive index of a CdS crystal by the nonlinear refraction method
A.A. Borshch, M.S. Brodin, N.N. Krupa, V.P. Lukomskii, V.G. Pisarenko, A.I. Petropavlovskii, V.V. Chernyi
Vol. 48,
No. 1,
p. 41
5. Self-focusing of ruby-laser radiation in single crystal silicon carbide