Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "N.E. Andreev"
Found 11 record(s)
1. Parametric Excitation of Longitudinal Oscillations in a Plasma by a Weak High Frequency Electric Field
2. Contribution to the Theory of Parametric Interaction Between a High Frequency Field and a Magnetoactive Plasma
N.E. Andreev
JETP, 1973, Vol. 36, No. 4, p. 677
PDF (209.5K)

3. Excitation of Parametric Instabilities in a Magnetoactive Plasma by a Microwave Pumping Wave
4. Relaxation of the electron distribution in a parametrically unstable plasma located in a strong electromagnetic field
5. Self-limiting of a wave field following supersonic dispersal of a plasma
6. Nonlinear interaction between radiation and an expanding plasma
7. Fast waves in a laser plasma
8. Nonlinear transition waves associated with ponderomotive self-focusing of radiation in a plasma
9. Bessel beams of electromagnetic waves: self-effect and nonlinear structures
10. Hollow beams of electromagnetic radiation: formation and nonlinear propagation in plasma
11. Investigation of the side scattering from a laser-produced plasma at the fundamental frequency
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