Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "A.L. Sukstanskii"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Phonon retardation of a domain wall in a rare-earth orthoferrite
2. Solitons in quasi-one-dimensional noncollinear antiferromagnets
3. Nonlinear waves and the dynamics of domain walls in weak ferromagnets
4. Modulated magnetic structure in hexagonal CsCuCI3 type antiferrornagnets (equilibrium state and spin dynamics)
5. Nonlinear dynamics of multiple-sublattice magnetic materials with modulated magnetic structure
6. Nonlinear dynamics of domain walls in the field of an acoustic wave
7. Elastostatic spin waves
8. Domain-wall drift in weak ferromagnets
9. Theory of dynamical-soliton relaxation in ferromagnets
10. Nonlinear magnetization waves in ferrites
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