публикаций автора "V.G. Solov'ev"
Найдено 17
1. Conditions for Superfluidity of the Atomic Nucleus and the Temperature of the Phase Transition
2. An Investigation of the Superfluid State of an Atomic Nucleus
3. On the Problem of Testing Parity Conservation in the Strong Interactions
4. Investigation of a Model in Quantum Field Theory
5. Superfluidity of Light Nuclei
6. Two Classes of Interaction Lagrangians
7. Equations for the Green's Functions of a System of Fundamental Particles
8. Lagrangian for the Interaction of K-Mesons and Hyperons
9. On the Conservation of Combined Parity
10. Bremsstrahlung from the Collisions of π Mesons with Nucleons
11. Secondary Nuclear Reactions Induced in Bismuth and Lead by High-Energy Proton Bombardment
12. Nucleonic Interaction which Produces a Superfluid State of the Nucleus
13. The Properties of Some Strongly Deformed Nuclei
14. An Investigation of the Properties of Transuranium Elements Based on the Superfluid Model of the Nucleus
15. Properties of the Ground and Excited States of Strongly Deformed Nuclei
16. Energy of Quadrupole States of Strongly Deformed Even-even Nuclei
17. A Monoenergetic Cyclotron
A.A. Glazov, Yu. N. Denisov, V.P. Dzhelepov, V.P. Dmitrievskii, B.I. Zamolodchikov, N.L. Zaplatin, V.V. Kol'ga, S.M. Polikanov, V.G. Solov'ev
1970 г.,
Том 30,
Вып. 5,
стр. 791