публикаций автора "P. Yu. Marchukov"
Найдено 6
1. Orthogonal magnetic "impurity" (Fe+3 in c positions) in orthoferrlte YFeO3
A.M. Balbashov, A.G. Berezin, Yu. V. Bobryshev, P. Yu. Marchukov, I.V. Nikolaev, Ya. Paches, L. Pust, E.G. Rudashevskii, V.V. Shushpanov
1992 г.,
Том 75,
Вып. 4,
стр. 757
2. Investigation of antiferromagnetic resonance in Fe2BO6 in strong magnetic fields
3. Observation of a multicritical singular point on the phase diagram in non-coplanar spin reorientation of DyFeO3
4. Interaction of antiferromagnetic resonance modes in DyFeO3 under spin reorientation conditions in a magnetic field
5. Nature of the energy gap in the spin-wave spectrum during spin flop in a magnetic field
6. Soft mode and energy gap in spin-wave spectrum in a second-order orientational phase transition. AFMR in YFeO3