публикаций автора "V.S. Imshennik"
Найдено 8
1. Shock Wave Structure in a Dense High-Temperature Plasma
2. Plasma Focus and the Neutron Emission Mechanism in a Z-pinch
3. Two-dimensional Flow of an Ideally Conducting Gas in the Vicinity of the Zero Line of a Magnetic Field
4. The dynamics of plasma-column constrictions and the electromagnetic acceleration of ions
5. Neutrino Thermal Conductivity in Collapsing Stars
6. Momentum and energy transfer by neutrino radiation to the mantle of a collapsing star and supernova explosions
S.S. Gershtein, V.S. Imshennik, D.K. Nadezhin, V.N. Folomeshkin, M. Yu. Khlopov, V.M. Chechetkin, R.A. Eramzhyan
1975 г.,
Том 42,
Вып. 5,
стр. 751
7. Neutrino mechanism of propagation of thermonuclear burning in degenerate cores of stars
8. Lower bound on the Rosseland mean free path