публикаций автора "Yu. V. Afanas'ev"
Найдено 13
1. Self-consistent Regime of Heating of Matter by a Laser Pulse Under Conditions of Nonequilibrium Ionization
2. Cascade Ionization of a Gas by a Powerful Ultrashort Pulse of Light
3. Energy Spectrum of Multiply Charged Ions in a Laser-produced Plasma
4. Vaporization of Matter Exposed to Laser Emission
5. Cascade Ionization of a Gas during Optical Breakdown in a Wide Range of Radiation Fluxes
6. Stationary model of the "corona" of spherical laser targets
7. Kinetic Processes in a Laser Plasma
8. Hydrodynamic instability and spontaneous magnetic fields in a spherical laser plasma
9. Theoretical study of the hydrodynamics of spherical targets taking the refraction of the laser radiation into account
10. Investigations of physical processes in the corona of laser-fired shell targets
Yu. V. Afanas'ev, N.G. Basov, B.L. Vasin, P.P. Volosevich, E.G. Gamalii, S.Yu. Gus'kov, N.N. Demchenko, Yu. A. Zakharenkov, N.N. Zorev, A.A. Kologrivov, V.B. Rozanov, A.A. Rupasov, A.A. Samarskii, G.V. Sklizkov, A.S. Shikanov
1979 г.,
Том 50,
Вып. 6,
стр. 1229
11. Absorption and reflection of laser radiation by a dispersing high-temperature plasma
12. Radiation by a rapidly decaying ring current
13. Hydrodynamic model of plasma "corona" produced when a charged-particle beam acts on a target