публикаций автора "E.B. Sonin"
Найдено 21
1. Quantization of the Magnetic Flux of Superconducting Rings and Bose Condensation
2. The Theory of Nonideal Bose Gases and Size Effects in Superfluid Films
3. Fluctuations, Long-range Order, and Superfluidity
4. Deviations from a Maxwellian Electron Energy Distribution in a Weakly Ionized Plasma
5. Critical velocities at very low temperatures, and the vortices in a quantum bose fluid
6. Vortex-lattice vibrations in a rotating helium II
7. The Suparconductor-excitonic Dielectric Phase Transition in a Semimetal
8. Friction between the normal component and vortices in rotating superfluid helium
9. Analogs of superfluid currents for spins and electron-hole pairs
10. Effects of magnetostatic scattering fields on the dynamics and interaction of Bloch points
11. Threshold vortex formation and trapping fields in small high-Tc superconducting particles
E.V. Blinov, L.S. Vlasenko, Yu. A. Kufaev, E.B. Sonin, Yu. P. Stepanov, A.K. Tagantsev, V.G. Fleisher
1993 г.,
Том 76,
Вып. 2,
стр. 308
12. Electrodynamics of a Josephson medium in a high-temperature superconductor. Impedance in the mixed state
13. Dynamics of a Bloch point (point soliton) in a ferromagnet
14. Magnetic superfluidity in He3
15. Circulation lines and motion of antiphase boundaries in an improper ferroelectric
16. On the instability of the uniform precession of magnetization in 3He-A
17. Rotation of a superfluid by container-wall vibrations (the vibrorotation effect)
18. Oscillations of chain of Bloch lines in a domain wall
19. Finite-size vortex lattice in a rotating superfluid liquid
20. Contribution to the hydrodynamics of an anisotropic superfluid
21. Dynamics of magnetic vortices In a planar ferromagnet