Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "D.A. Varshalovich"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Electromagnetic Transition Probabilities and Static Moments of Odd-Odd Atomic Nuclei
2. Probabilities of Rotational Gamma Transitions of Type E2 and Quadrupole Moments of Deformed Nuclei with K = 1 and 1/2
3. Quantum Theory of Modulation of an Electron Beam at Optical Frequencies
4. Polarization of the OH Radio-emission
5. Orientation of Hydrogen Atoms by Resonance Radiation
D.A. Varshalovich
JETP, 1967, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 157
PDF (882K)

6. Interference Effects in Resonant Scattering of Light by Atoms in a Magnetic Field
7. An approximate method for calculating intermolecular interaction
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