Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "B.A. Al'terkop"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Nonlinear Drift Waves in an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field
2. Nonlinear Ion Sound in a Fully Ionized Current-carrying Plasma
B.A. Al'terkop
JETP, 1972, Vol. 35, No. 5, p. 915
PDF (266.1K)

3. Stationary Nonlinear Ion-Acoustic Oscillations in a Dense Weakly Ionized Current-Carrying Plasma
4. Nonlinear oscillations of an unstable plasma
5. Nonlinear ion surface oscillations in a semi-restricted current-carrying plasma
6. Nonlinear state of parametric interaction between waves in an active medium
7. Nonlinear Plasma Ion Oscillations Excited by a Current
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