publications of "I.A. Grishaev"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Measurement of the Energy Losses of Fast Electrons in Matter
2. Ionization Energy Losses of Fast Electrons in Thin Polystyrene Films
A.I. Alikhanyan, A.K. Val'ter, G.M. Garibyan, I.A. Grishaev, M.P. Lorikyan, V.V. Petrenko, G.D. Fursov
Vol. 19,
No. 4,
p. 820
3. loniztltion Losses of the Energy of Fast Electrons in Thin Films
A.I. Alikhanyan, G.M. Garibyan, M.P. Lorikyan, A.K. Val'ter, I.A. Grishaev, V.A. Petrenko, G.L. Fursov
Vol. 17,
No. 3,
p. 756
4. Errors Due to the Dead Time of Counters Operating in Conjunction with Pulsed Sources
5. Interference Experiment and Photon Statistics for Synchrotron Radiation from Electrons in a Storage Ring
6. Photodisintegration of C12 with 345-MeV bremsstrahlung
7. Interference of Synchrotron Radiation Photons from a Single Electron
8. Acoustic Wave Excitation in Metals by Fast Charged Particles and Gamma Quanta
I.A. Borshkovskii, V.D. Volovik, I.A. Grishaev, I.I. Zalyubovskii, V.V. Petrenko, G.A. Chekhutskii, G.L. Fursov
Vol. 36,
No. 4,
p. 706
9. Coherent bremsstrahlung by electrons and positrons in silicon and niobium crystals
10. Bremsstrahlung spectra of 1-GeV electrons and positrons in crystals of silicon, germanium, and niobium