Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.A. Smotryaev"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Neutron Polarization in B11 (d, n) C12, C12* Reactions
2. Gross Structure of the Neutron Energy Spectrum and Polarization in (d, n) Reactions on Intermediate-mass Nuclei
3. Neutron Polarization in the D(d, n)He3 Reaction
4. Neutron Polarization in the Reaction T(d, n) He4
5. Mean multiplicities of the final hadron states in neutrino-nuclear interactions at (E u) = 8.7 GeV (The E-128 Experiment)
6. Inclusive characteristics of neutrino scattering at the nuclei of a photographic emulsion at energies of E u=3-30 GeV (The E-128 Experiment)
7. Study of the formation of neutral strange particles in neutrino-nuclear interactions in the energy range 3-30 GeV using a streamer-chamber-plus-photoemulsion spectrometer
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