publications of "A.V. Bushman"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Thermodynamics of nonideal cesium plasma
2. Evaporation of shock-compressed lead in release waves
3. Unloading isentropes and the equation of state of metals at high energy densities
4. Experimental investigation of phenylene and polystyrene under conditions of shock loading and isentropic expansion. Equations of state of plastics at high energy densities
5. Effect of size of energy absorption zone on the characteristics of shock waves excited by a strong relativistic electron beam in a metallic target
A.F. Akkerman, A.V. Bushman, B.A. Demidov, S.F. Zavgorodnil, M.V. Ivkin, A.L. Ni, V.A. Petrov, L.I. Rudakov, V.E. Fortov
Vol. 64,
No. 5,
p. 1043
6. Dynamics of shock waves excited by a high-current relativistic electron beam in aluminum targets
A.F. Akkerman, A.V. Bushman, B.A. Demidov, M.V. Ivkin, A.L. Ni, V.A. Petrov, L.I. Rudakov, V.E. Fortov
Vol. 62,
No. 3,
p. 489