publications of "A.A. Mukhin"
Found 18 record(s)
1. Spin-flip transitions in cubic magnets. Magnetic phase diagram of terbium-yttrium iron garnets
K.P. Belov, A.K. Zvezdin, R.Z. Levitin, A.S. Markosyan, B.V. Mill', A.A. Mukhin, A.P. Perov
Vol. 41,
No. 3,
p. 590
2. Gigantic effect of magnetic vacancies on a phase transition of the Morin type in rare-earth orthoferrites
3. Level crossing and instability of magnetic structure in rare-earth iron garnets
4. Magnetic phase transitions in terbium orthoferrite
5. Metamagnetic phase transitions and instability of magnetic structure in rare-earth orthoferrites
6. Magnetoelastic solitary waves and supersonic domain-wall dynamics
7. Magnetic H-T phase diagram of holmium orthoferrite for Hb
8. Orientational phase transitions in holmium orthoferrite with magnetic vacancies
9. Anomalies of high-frequency magnetic properties and new orientational transitions in HoFeO3
10. Unusual nature of spin reorientation in HoFeO3
11. Diversity of orientational transitions in the Dyx Er1-xCrO3 system
12. Influence of the ground state of the Ho3+ ions in orthochromites on their magnetic properties and phase transitions
13. Anomalies of high-frequency magnetic permeability of hematite at the Morin phase transition
14. Magnetic properties of DyCrO3
A.M. Kadorntseva, A.K. Zvezdin, A.A. Mukhin, I.A. Zorin, I.B. Krynetskii, M.D. Kuz'min, M.M. Lukina
Vol. 65,
No. 1,
p. 101
15. Frozen rare earth sublattice and the rf magnetic properties of gadolinium orthoferrite
A.M. Balbashov, Vo Han Fuik, S.P. Lebedev, G.V. Kozlov, A.A. Mukhin, A. Yu. Pronin, A.S. Prokhorov
Vol. 63,
No. 1,
p. 172
16. Linear magnetostriction and antiferromagnetic domain structure in dysprosium orthoferrite
17. Investigation of the magnetic properties and exchange interactions in gadolinium orthochromite
18. High-frequency magnetic properties of dysprosium orthoferrite