publications of "V.A. Tsvetkov"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Kinetics of exciton condensation in germanium
2. Dragging of excitons and electron-hole hops by phonon wind
3. Kinetics of spatial distribution of electron-hole drops
4. Large-scale impurity potential and nature of the main low-temperature luminescence line of pure n-lnSb crystals
5. Propagation of short-wave nonequilibrium phonons and the dynamics of electron-hole droplets in germanium; sound excitation in liquid helium
6. Magnetically stabilized exciton-impurity complexes in indium antimonide
7. Recombination of nonequilibrium carriers in thin samples of strongly excited germanium
8. Electron-hole-droplet dragging by phonon wind and exciton-condensation kinetics in germanium
9. Magnetically induced birefringence in cubic crystals
10. Shape of NMRspectra of solids
A.A. Lundin, A. V. Makarenko
577 (1010) Anisotropic spin-lattice relaxation of self-trapped G. G. LiI'd'ya, T.A. Soovik, A. L.
holes in KBr Stolovich
582 (1019) Induction of intermediate ordered phases in Yu. M. lvanchenko, A. A.
Heisenberg magnets by fluctuational exchange Lisyanskil', A. E. Filippov
587 (1028) Striction effects and dynamics of the magnetic V. G. Bar'yakhtar, I. M.
subsystem in spin-reorientation phase transitions. Vitebskil', Yu. G. Pashkevich, Symmetry aspects V. L. Sobolev, V. V.
593 (1038) Magnetically induced birefringence in cubic O. V. Gogolin, V.A. Tsvetkov, crystals E. G. Tsitsishvili
598 (1046) Introduction of spatial dispersion into the S. I. Pekar, B. E. Tsekvava
dielectric constant of a crystal in the spectral
region of accidentally close exciton resonances
605 (1058) Stochastic spin dynamics of superfluid 3He V. I. Kesaev, A. I. Ugulava
608 (1064) Effect of dynamic character of image forces on A. I. Voltenko, A.M. Gabovich, field emission V. M. Rozenbaum
611 (1069) Critical dynamics of uniaxial displacive V.V.Lebedev
618 (1080) Melting as a phase transition into a space with v. N. Novikov
A. A. Lundin, A.V. Makarenko
Vol. 60,
No. 3,
p. 570