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Search publications of "T.M. Kereselidze"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Investigation of the energy terms of a system of two metastable helium atoms
2. Interaction of an excited atom with an atom of small radius
3. Calculation of the ground term X1 Σ+g of the helium quasimolecular doubly-charged ion He2++ by a simple method
4. Molecular-orbital diabatic correlation diagrams of diatomic quasimolecules
5. Correlation of diabatic molecular orbitals of an electron in the field of three Coulomb centers
T.M. Kereselidze
JETP, 1989, Vol. 69, No. 2, p. 307
PDF (247K)

6. Correlation rules for diabatic molecular orbitals in diatomic quasimolecules
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