Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "I.P. Ipatova"
Found 12 record(s)
1. The Faraday Effect in Semiconductors Due to Free Carriers in a Strong Magnetic Field
2. Temperature Dependence of the Line Width of Resonance Absorption by the Lattice of Ionic Crystals
3. Spin Waves and Paramagnetic Relaxation in a Fermi Liquid
4. The Faraday Effect for Excitons
5. Thermodynamic Equilibrium of a System of Gas and Crystal with Isotropic Defects
6. Long-wave optical-phonon spectrum in metals and heavily doped semiconductors
7. Phonon zero sound in degenerate germanium in a quantizing magnetic field
8. Infrared absorption of light by small-scale fluctuations in compensated semiconductors
9. Exact solution of the problem of the Green's function and of the distribution function of the frequencies of polar optical phonons in the diffusion region of the energy spectrum of solid solution of uniaxial crystals
10. Dipole-active excitations in crystals with one-dimensional disorder
11. The change in the energy spectrum of an exciton moving transverse to a magnetic field
12. Scattering of light by electrons of metals and semimetals with complex Fermi surfaces
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