Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.L. Safonov"
Found 14 record(s)
1. Theory of quasiequilibrium effects in a system of magnons excited by incoherent pumping
2. Parametric excitation of magnetoelastic waves in single crystals of CoCO3 and FeBO3
3. Amplification of small signals near the threshold of a collective-acoustic instability in a system of parametric nuclear magnons
4. lnvestigation of a combined resonance of mixed parametric magnon pairs in antiferromagnetic MnCO3
5. Thermodynamic approach in the theory of paramagnetic resonance of magnons
6. Phase transition in system of nuclear spins with indirect Suhl-Nakamura interaction
V.L. Safonov
JETP, 1988, Vol. 67, No. 11, p. 2324
PDF (199.2K)

7. Modulation-method investigation of the steady state of parametric spin waves in antiferromagnets
8. Instability of parametric spin wave systems in antiferromagnets
9. Parametric excitation of nuclear spin waves under conditions of strong modulation of their spectrum
10. Influence of the electronic-magnon relaxation rate on the damping of nuclear spin waves in antiferromagnets
11. Effect of the structure of a crystal and its defects on the relaxation of nuclear spin waves in antiferromagnets
12. Nonlinear magnetoacoustics of orthoferrite near spin flip
13. Modulation method of investigating spin wave beyond the parametric-excitation threshold
14. Study of mechanisms of nuclear-spin-wave relaxation in the weakly anisotropic antiferromagnet CsMnF3
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