Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.I. Rupasov"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Polariton mechanism of luminescence of crystals; reabsorption, spatial dispersion effects, and role of boundary
2. Cooperative Raman scattering by a concentrated system of atoms
V.I. Rupasov
JETP, 1988, Vol. 67, No. 10, p. 2003
PDF (409.5K)

3. Nonlinear resonant optics of thin films: the inverse method
4. Self-induced transparency of anisotropic media
5. Rigorous theory of cooperative spontaneous emission of radiation from a lumped system of two-level atoms: Bethe ansatz method
6. Exact Dicke superradiance theory: Bethe wavefunctions in the discrete atom model
7. Contribution to the Dicke superradiance theory. Exact solution of the quasi-one-dimensional quantum model
V.I. Rupasov
JETP, 1982, Vol. 56, No. 5, p. 989
PDF (316.8K)

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