Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "D.G. Polyakov"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Change, due to scattering-act correlation, of electron diffusion in a classically strong magnetic field
D.G. Polyakov
JETP, 1986, Vol. 63, No. 2, p. 317
PDF (295.2K)

2. Nonparabolicity and anisotropy of the electron energy spectrum in GaAs
3. Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms in a strong magnetic field
4. Probability distribution for the transmission of an electron through a chain of randomly placed centers
5. Electron diffusion in a quantizing magnetic field
D.G. Polyakov
JETP, 1983, Vol. 57, No. 2, p. 433
PDF (287.5K)

6. Scattering of electrons in a strong magnetic field
D.G. Polyakov
JETP, 1982, Vol. 56, No. 1, p. 33
PDF (195.9K)

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