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Search publications of "A.V. Chubukov"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic structure of (CH3 NH3)2 CuCI4
2. Fluctuation corrections to the spectra of one- and two-dimensional Heisenberg magnets
3. Low-temperature properties of ferromagnets with different-ion anisotropy and arbitrary site spin
4. Low-temperature properties of Heisenberg ferromagnets with arbitrary spin in the Holstein-Primakoff formalism
A.V. Chubukov
JETP, 1985, Vol. 62, No. 4, p. 762
PDF (448.5K)

5. Electromagnetic-wave emission in parametric excitation of magnons in antiferromagnets
6. Spin waves in noncollinear ferromagnetic structures at T = 0
A.V. Chubukov
JETP, 1983, Vol. 58, No. 4, p. 765
PDF (392.6K)

7. Theory of reorientation transitions in plates
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