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ZhETF, Vol. 165, No. 6, p. 800 (June 2024)
(English translation - JETP, Vol. 138, No. 6, June 2024 available online at )

Generalized Einstein-Rosen bridge inside black holes
Dokuchaev V.I., Prokopev K.E.

Received: January 19, 2024

DOI: 10.31857/S0044451024060063

PDF (1162.1K)

We generalize the notion of Einstein-Rosen bridge by defining it as a space-ilke connection between two universes with regions of asymptotically minkowskian space-time infinities. The corresponding symmetry and asymmetry properties of the generalized Einstein-Rosen bridge are considered at the cases of Reissner-Nordström and Kerr metrics. We elucidate the versatility of intriguing symmetry and asymmetry phenomena outside and inside black holes. For description of the test particle (planet and photon) motion it is used the Kerr-Newman metric of the rotating and electrically charged black hole. It is demonstrated the symmetry and asymmetry of the one-way Einstein-Rosen bridge inside black hole space-time toward and through the plethora of endless and infinite universes.

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