публикаций автора "R.V. Ambartsumyan"
Найдено 13
1. Heating of Matter by Focused Laser Radiation
R.V. Ambartsumyan, N.G. Basov, V.A. Boiko, V.S. Zuev, O.N. Krokhin, P.G. Kryukov, Yu. V. Senatskii, Yu. Yu. Stoilov
1965 г.,
Том 21,
Вып. 6,
стр. 1061
2. A Q-switched Optical Maser
3. Nonlinear Amplification of Light Pulses
4. A Laser with Nonresonant Feedback
5. Dynamics of Emission Line Narrowing for a Laser with Nonresonant Feedback
6. Statistical Emission Properties of a Nonresonant Feedback Laser
7. Emission Spectrum of an He-Xe Laser with Nonresonant Feedback
8. Excitation of vibrational levels in the N14H3 molecule by radiation from a CO2 laser
9. Mechanism of isotopically selective dissociation of SF6 molecules by CO2 laser radiation
10. Selective two-step ionization of rubidium by laser radiation
R.V. Ambartsumyan, A.M. Apatin, V.S. Letokhov, A.A. Makarov, V.I. Mishin, A.A. Puretskii, N.P. Furzikov
1976 г.,
Том 43,
Вып. 5,
стр. 866
11. lnvestigation of the dissociation of BCI3 molecules in the field of an intense CO2 laser pulse
12. Interaction of SF6 molecules with a powerful infrared laser pulse and the separation of sulfur isotopes
13. lnvestigation of vibrationally excited ammonium molecules by the double IR-UV resonance technique