публикаций автора "A.A. Puretskii"
Найдено 6
1. Excitation of vibrational levels in the N14H3 molecule by radiation from a CO2 laser
2. Mechanism of isotopically selective dissociation of SF6 molecules by CO2 laser radiation
3. Selective two-step ionization of rubidium by laser radiation
R.V. Ambartsumyan, A.M. Apatin, V.S. Letokhov, A.A. Makarov, V.I. Mishin, A.A. Puretskii, N.P. Furzikov
1976 г.,
Том 43,
Вып. 5,
стр. 866
4. lnvestigation of vibrationally excited ammonium molecules by the double IR-UV resonance technique
5. Vibrational distribution produced by infrared multiphoton excitation of CF2HCI molecules
6. IR absorption spectrum of CrO2Cl2 molecules prepared in a high-lying state of a vibrational quasicontinuum
A.V. Evseev, V.M. Krivtsun, Yu. A. Kuritsyn, A.A. Makarov, A.A. Puretskii, E.A. Ryabov, E.P. Snegirev, V.V. Tyakht
1984 г.,
Том 60,
Вып. 1,
стр. 64