Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "G.E. Norman"
Found 8 record(s)
1. Semi-Empirical Method of Calculating the Cross Section for Elastic Scattering of Slow Electrons by Atoms
2. Concerning the Metal-dielectric Transition and a Possible Phase Transition in a Dense (Strongly Nonideal) Plasma
G.E. Norman
JETP, 1971, Vol. 33, No. 5, p. 912
PDF (923.2K)

3. Exciton and Plasma Phase Transitions in Semiconductors of the Ge Type
4. Possibility of Phase Transitions in a Non-ideal Multiply Ionized Plasma
5. Plasma model of an exciton gas in a semiconductor
6. Three-particle charged electron-hole complexes in semiconductors
7. Effect of resonances in elastic scattering on the bremsstrahlung of electrons in an atomic field
8. Multiexciton complexes in semiconductors
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