publications of "A.A. Sorokin"
Found 9 record(s)
1. Concerning the Ce141 Decay Scheme
2. Decay of Te131 (T1/2 = 30 Hours)
3. Investigation of the Decay Scheme of As76 by the γ-γ Coincidence Method
4. Decay Scheme of Te131m
5. Zr97 Decay Scheme
6. Decay of Neutron-deficient Neodymium Isotopes. A New Isotope Nd138
K. Ya. Gromov, A.S. Danagulyan, L.N. Nikityuk, V.V. Murav'eva, A.A. Sorokin, M.Z. Sbtal', V.S. Shpinel'
Vol. 20,
No. 5,
p. 1104
7. Lifetime of the 114-keV Level in the Pr139 Nucleus
8. Quadrupole Interaction and Anisotropy of the Mössbauer Effect as Deduced from Observations on Resonance Scattering of Gamma Quanta by Polycrystals
9. Angular distributions of resonant gamma-ray scattering by 57Fe nuclei in hydrated sulfates of iron