Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "P.V. Gel'd"
Found 10 record(s)
1. On the Nature of Superconducting Niobium and Tantalum Monocarbides
2. Thermal properties of iron in solid solutions of silicon in iron near the Curie point
3. Mössbauer investigations of the distribution and charge of the vacancies in the crystal lattice of α-leboite
4. Magnetic transitions in mutual solid solutions of lower iron and manganese silicides
5. Matthiessen Rule and High-temperature Electrical Resistivity of Solid Solutions of Silicon in Iron
6. Anomalies of the thermoelectric power near magnetic transition points in gadolinium and terbium
7. Critical phenomena in EuO
8. Effect of pressure on the magnetic susceptibility of FeSi-CrSi and FeSi-NiSi monosilicide solid solutions
9. Effective fields at Fe57 nuclei and magnetic structure of palladium-iron alloys
10. Increase of the Curie temperature of the magnetic semiconductor EuO
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