Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "M.A. Popov"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Study of the Antiferromagnetic Resonance Spectrum in BaMnF4
2. Thermal fluctuations and the lineshape of a magnetic resonance in the incommensurate phase of a crystal
M.A. Popov
JETP, 1996, Vol. 83, No. 1, p. 116
PDF (247.6K)

3. Spin-lattice relaxation of the nuclear magnetic system of a solid with multispin interactions induced by a modulated strong rf field
4. Motional and exchange narrowing of NMR spectra in a reference frame rotating at the magic angle
5. Third moment of an NMR spectrum in a rotating frame
6. Dynamical behavior of a system with three-spin interactions induced by a strong rf field
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