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Search publications of "D.R. Shklyar"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Nonlinear Damping of Potential Monochromatic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
2. Nonlinear theory of a quasimonochromatic packet of electrostatic waves in an inhomogeneous plasma
3. Nonlinear Landau damping in an inhomogeneous plasma
4. Drag effects when there is resonance interaction between particles and a Langmuir wave in an inhomogeneous plasma
5. Particle heating by a low-amplitude wave in an inhomogeneous magnetoactive plasma
6. Stochastic motion of relativistic particles in the field of a monochromatic wave
D.R. Shklyar
JETP, 1981, Vol. 53, No. 6, p. 1187
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