Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "V.A. Kizel'"
Found 8 record(s)
1. Concerning the Existence of a Transition Layer on a Liquid Surface
2. Study of the Structure of the Surface of a Liquid by the Method of Reflection of Light
V.A. Kizel'
JETP, 1956, Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 520
PDF (966.2K)

3. lnvestigation of ordering of the mesophase of cholesteric liquid crystals on basis of their optical parameters
4. Ordering mechanism in cholesteric liquid crystals
5. Critical case of the onset of smectic order in the cholesteric metaphase
6. Spectral and kinetic properties of doped liquid crystals upon electron excitation energy transfer
7. Fluctuation effects during melting of the cholesteric mesophase of liquid crystals
8. Structure of the blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals
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