Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "M.V. Lebedev"
Found 5 record(s)
1. Particle-particle interactions in a dense polariton system and shift of the exciton term
M.V. Lebedev
JETP, 1992, Vol. 74, No. 3, p. 513
PDF (189.1K)

2. Nonequilibrium phonon heating of CdS crystal excited by high-power optical pulses
M.V. Lebedev
JETP, 1993, Vol. 76, No. 3, p. 483
PDF (168.1K)

3. Observation of a shift of exciton resonances in intense pulsed excitation of a CdS crystal
4. Light transmission through a CdS crystal wedge with allowance for additional light waves
5. Spatial-dispersion effects in a mixed mode of exciton polaritons in CdS
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