Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "A.V. Fedorov"
Found 6 record(s)
1. Exciton-vibrational interaction of the Fröhlich type in quasi-zero-size systems
2. The critical points of adiabatic potentials of electron-vibrational systems
A.V. Fedorov
JETP, 1994, Vol. 78, No. 6, p. 899
PDF (501.2K)

3. Particle-like light structures in a wide-aperture laser with saturable absorption
4. Multiphonon interband absorption involving free electrons and phonons in n-type lnAs
5. Multiphoton absorption in semiconductors at submillimeter wavelengths
6. Multiphoton interband absorption with participation of free carriers in crystals
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