Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "M.D. Zviadadze"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Role of Spectral Diffusion and Dipole-dipole Reservoir in the Saturation of an Inhomogeneously Broadened Line
2. Contribution to the Theory of Spin-lattice Relaxation in Crystals with Paramagnetic Impurities
3. Quantum-statistical Theory of the Dynamical Polarization of Nuclei in the Case of Non-uniform ESR Line Broadening
4. Strong Saturation of Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines
5. Nuclear cross-relaxation induced by a paramagnetic impurity
6. The role of the dipole-dipole reservoir in electron-nuclear double resonance at distance nuclei
7. Cross relaxation between the Zeeman and spin-spin degrees of freedom in a solid
8. Low-temperature theory of the magnetic-resonance lineshape in the memoryfunction formalism
9. Bloch equations in the memory-function formalism
10. Dynamic polarization and NMR of nuclei in the immediate vicinity of paramagnetic impurity centers
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