Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
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Search publications of "I.N. Adamenko"
Found 10 record(s)
1. Heat Exchange Between a Solid Body and Helium Filling a Narrow Gap
2. Wave Processes in a Plane-Parallel Capillary Filled with He II
3. Effective Viscosity of He II in Narrow Capillaries
4. Roughness and Thermal Resistance of the Boundary Between a Solid and Liquid Helium
5. Theory of the Kapitza Temperature Discontinuity at a Solid Body-liquid Helium Boundary
6. Singularities in the propagation of sound in moving He II
I.N. Adamenko
JETP, 1975, Vol. 41, No. 4, p. 762
PDF (213.5K)

7. Dissipative processes in superfluid 3He-4He solutions
8. Collective modes and dissipation coefficients in He3-He4 quantum fluids
9. Phonon-kinetics changes due to the dispersion law and to impurities
10. Phonon emission by rotons and relaxation of a quasiparticle gas
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