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Search publications of "T.A. Vartanyan"
Found 7 record(s)
1. Optical excitation of colliding atoms to a state of quasibound motion
2. Nonadiabatic transition in a broad-spectrum radiation field
3. Experimental observation of Landau-Zener nonlinearity in optical excitation of atoms
4. Subradiative structure in the absorption spectrum of a two-level system in a biharmonic radiation field
5. Photodesorption of sodium from the surface of sapphire
6. Resonant reflection of intense optical radiation from a low-density gaseous medium
T.A. Vartanyan
JETP, 1985, Vol. 61, No. 4, p. 674
PDF (162.7K)

7. Spectral-kinetic manifestations of nonadiabatic coupling of molecular states under conditions of fast vibrational relaxation
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