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ZhETF, Vol. 150, No. 6, p. 1102 (December 2016)
(English translation - JETP, Vol. 123, No. 6, p. 957, December 2016 available online at )

Manipulating transmission and reflection properties of a photonic crystal doped with quantum dot nanostructures
Solookinejad G., Panahi M., Sangachin A., Asadpour S.H.

Received: April 29, 2016

DOI: 10.7868/S0044451016120051

PDF (552.9K)

The transmission and reflection properties of incident light in a defect dielectric structure is studied theoretically. The defect structure consists of donor and acceptor quantum dot nanostructures embedded in a photonic crystal. It is shown that the transmission and reflection properties of incident light can be controlled by adjusting the corresponding parameters of the system. The role of dipole-dipole interaction is considered as a new parameter in our calculations. It is noted that the features of transmission and reflection curves can be adjusted in the presence of dipole-dipole interaction. It is found that the absorption of weak probe light can be converted to the probe amplification in the presence of dipole-dipole interaction. Moreover, the group velocity of transmitted and reflected probe light is discussed in detail in the absence and presence of dipole-dipole interaction. Our proposed model can be used as a new all-optical devices based on photonic materials doped with nanoparticles.

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