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ZhETF, Vol. 150, No. 4, p. 666 (October 2016)
(English translation - JETP, Vol. 123, No. 4, p. 572, October 2016 available online at )

Usefulness of multiqubit W-type states in quantum information processing
Singh P., Kumar At., Adhikari S.

Received: February 2, 2016

DOI: 10.7868/S0044451016100035

PDF (204.4K)

We analyze the efficiency of multiqubit W-type states as resources for quantum information. For this, we identify and generalize four-qubit W-type states. Our results show that these states can be used as resources for deterministic quantum information processing. The utility of results, however, is limited by the availability of experimental setups to perform and distinguish multiqubit measurements. We therefore emphasize protocols where two users want to establish an optimal bipartite entanglement using the partially entangled W-type states. We find that for such practical purposes, four-qubit W-type states can be a better resource in comparison to three-qubit W-type states. For a dense coding protocol, our states can be used deterministically to send two bits of classical message by locally manipulating a single qubit. In addition, we also propose a realistic experimental method to prepare the four-qubit W-type states using standard unitary operations and weak measurements.

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