ZhETF, Vol. 148,
No. 4,
p. 675 (October 2015)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 121, No. 4,
p. 587,
October 2015
available online at www.springer.com
Smirnov B.M.
Received: March 14, 2015
DOI: 10.7868/S0044451015100041
Processes are considered for conversion into a fractal structure of a hot metal micron-size particle that is located in a buffer gas or a gas flow and is heated by an external electric or electromagnetic source or by a plasma. The parameter of this heating is the particle temperature, which is the same in all of the particle volume because of its small size and high conductivity. Three processes determine the particle heat balance: particle radiation, evaporation of metal atoms from the particle surface, and heat transport to the surrounding gas due to its thermal conductivity. The particle heat balance is analyzed based on these processes, which are analogous to those for bulk metals with the small particle size and its high temperature taken into account. Outside the particle, where the gas temperature is lower than on its surface, the formed metal vapor in a buffer gas flow is converted into clusters. Clusters grow as a result of coagulation, until they become liquid, and then clusters form fractal aggregates if they are removed form the gas flow. Subsequently, association of fractal aggregates join into a fractal structure. The rate of this process increases in middle electric fields, and the formed fractal structure has features of aerogels and fractal fibers. As a result of a chain of the above processes, a porous metal film may be manufactured for use as a filter or catalyst for gas flows.