ZhETF, Vol. 141,
No. 6,
p. 1156 (June 2012)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 114, No. 6,
June 2012
available online at www.springer.com
Ovchinnikov Yu.N., Kresin V.Z.
Received: August 29, 2011
We show that a large transport current can flow through superconducting nets composed of nanoclusters. Although thermal and quantum fluctuations lead to a finite value of dissipation, this value can be very small in one- and two-dimensional systems for realistic parameters of the nanoclusters and distances between them. The value of the action for vortex tunneling at zero temperature can be made sufficiently large to make the dissipation negligibly small. We estimate the temperature T0 of the transition from the thermal activation to quantum tunneling.