ZhETF, Vol. 122,
No. 2,
p. 298 (August 2002)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 95, No. 2,
p. 255,
August 2002
available online at www.springer.com
Berry R.S., Smirnov B.M.
Received: March 27, 2002
PACS: 61.20.Gy, 61.25.Bi, 61.43.Fs, 64.70.Dv
Defining a glassy-like state of a system of bound atoms as a frozen, amorphous, thermodynamically unstable state, we consider a glassy-like state of a condensed rare gas as a configurationally excited state of bound atoms that tends to the thermodynamic equilibrium by diffusion of voids. The criterion for a critical cooling rate is the minimum cooling rate of the liquid state that leads to formation of a glassy-like state. Comparing this glassy-like state with that experimentally obtained by deposition of argon atoms on a cold target, we conclude that glassy-like states are characterized by short-range parameters. On the basis of cluster studies, peculiarities of the liquid aggregate states and glassy-like states are formulated. A glassy-like state of a cluster or a bulk system of bound atoms is a configurationally excited solid state; the liquid aggregate state exhibits configuration excitations but is characterized by thermal motion of atoms, consistent with the Lindemann criterion.