ZhETF, Vol. 119,
No. 2,
p. 236 (February 2001)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 92, No. 2,
p. 2001,
February 2001
available online at www.springer.com
Kuraev E.A., Lipatov L.N., Shishkina T.V.
Received: August 16, 2000
PACS: 13.10.+q, 13.40.-f, 12.20.-m
We consider radiative corrections to the electron and photon impact factors. The generalized eikonal representation for the e+e- scattering amplitude at high energies and fixed momentum transfers is violated by non-planar diagrams. The additional contribution to the two-loop approximation appears from the Bethe-Heitler mechanism of the fermion pair production with the identity of the fermions in the final state taken into account. The violation of the generalized eikonal representation is also related to the charge parity conservation in QED. The one-loop correction to the photon impact factor for small virtualities of the exchanged photon is obtained using the known results for the cross-section of the e+e- production at photon-nuclei interactions.