ZhETF, Vol. 117,
No. 5,
p. 1030 (May 2000)
(English translation - JETP,
Vol. 90, No. 5,
p. 897,
May 2000
available online at www.springer.com
Chirikov B.V., Vecheslavov V.V.
Received: January 20, 2000
PACS: 05.45.+b
Numerical experiments on the structure of the chaotic component of motion under multiple crossing of the separatrix of a nonlinear resonance with a time-varying amplitude are described with the emphasis on the ergodicity problem. The results clearly demonstrate nonergodicity of this motion due to the presence of a regular component of a relatively small measure with a very complicated structure. A simple 2D-map per crossing is constructed that qualitatively describes the main properties of both chaotic and regular components of the motion. An empirical relation for the correlation-affected diffusion rate is found including a close vicinity of the chaos border where an evidence of the critical structure is observed. Some unsolved problems and open questions are also discussed.