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ZhETF, Vol. 111, No. 4, p. 1163 (April 1997)
(English translation - JETP, Vol. 84, No. 4, p. 641, April 1997 available online at )

Measurement of the spin and temperature dependence of the dd\mu molecule formation rate in solid and liquid deuterium
Bom V.R., Davies J.D., Demin D.L., Drebushko A.F., Dzhelepov V.P., van EiJK C.W.E., Filchenkov V.V., Grafov N.N., Grebinnik V.G., Konin A.D., Migachev D.V., Rudenko A.I., Sidorov V.T., Zhestkov Yu.G., Zinov V.G.

Received: June 24, 1996

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