публикаций автора "V.S. Zuev"
Найдено 11
1. Power Increase in a Pulsed Ruby Laser by Means of Modulation of Resonator Q
2. Heating of Matter by Focused Laser Radiation
R.V. Ambartsumyan, N.G. Basov, V.A. Boiko, V.S. Zuev, O.N. Krokhin, P.G. Kryukov, Yu. V. Senatskii, Yu. Yu. Stoilov
1965 г.,
Том 21,
Вып. 6,
стр. 1061
3. A Q-switched Neodymium Glass Laser
4. A Q-switched Optical Maser
5. Nonlinear Amplification of Light Pulses
6. A Laser Operated with a Saturable Filter
7. Giant Pulse Structure in a Laser with Instantaneous Q-Switching
8. Investigation of the Luminescence Spectrum of Atomic Iodine (2P1/2-2P3/2 Laser Transition)
9. The Possibility of Employing Optical Pumping for Excitation of Noble Gas Atoms
10. Generation and Amplification of High-intensity Light Pulses in Neodymium Glass
11. Photochemical decomposition waves